Saturday, September 03, 2005

Words have Failed Me

I have been unable to write anything at all for this past week. The absolute horror of what has been transpiring in the Gulf Coast, and in particular in LA has left me utterly bereft. The images of those trapped lin New Orleans and surrounding area was not bad enough, but the response from the US government was staggering. Watching that wave of humanity suffering, pleading for help, desperate and in shock is something that none of us should ever forget. How, in the name of all that is precious, did this abomination happen? Why were these people left to bake in the heat without water, food, the basics of human dignity for days. The whole world was witness to the complete and total failure of the Federal government in the US to act on what can be described as the largest natural disaster to befall it's shores. What followed that hurricane is a disgrace. Words seems completely inadequate. I have cried, ranted and raved as much as I can stand. There is so much more I want to say about this but this is not the time. So for now please give what you can. Give to the Red Cross or other reputable charities.

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